ALL WORK ➔ research ➔ spaces & exhibitions ➔ education
I’m a spatial designer with more than 20 years of experience in the artistic field. My practice is in continuous change, influenced by societal and environmental urgencies. I find great interest in reflecting on past and current challenges to provide designs, which envision possible futures. While I am not obedient to set structures and roles, I can address change and urgencies from
an alternative position, and make it relatable to a large inclusive group. I believe that spaces are connected to a network of knowledge and should be considered from all angles, including the materials used, the people who occupy the space in their different roles,
and the sensory experiences it creates.
I feel committed to my role in education, not only as a teacher but also as a student. While lectoring, teaching and mentoring in different design, architecture and art schools, I am currently also a student on the Master's programme; Applied History at Erasmus University in Rotterdam.
Since 2007, I am part of the international design team of ➔ Studio Makkink & Bey. In my function as Senior Designer, I am responsible for the entire process of a design project, from concept development to execution. While working in different domains of applied art, I do research the symbiosis between the private and the public domain. Design research is leading in issues concerning public space, urban design, architecture, exhibition design, interior or product design. Within the work methodology, a project starts with analyzing its ‘Landscape’, with a hands-on
I conduct field research to get in contact with the relevant stakeholders and users, intervene with the surroundings, and test in real life. After which, the existing elements are
redefined and united into a new narration.
A project will continue to change due to outside
influences and inputs therefore it’s never a finished whole, and there is room to be in continuous
development. Through the years I grew knowledge in many directions surrounding my profession.
From product-, interior-, exhibition design and architecture to social and environmental design research.