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Workshop & talk at FHNW ➔(Fachhochschule Nord-westschweiz) , Basel, Switzerland,
Industrial Design HGK, Querblicke Spezial, 2022
together with Alena Halmes

Every made product has an impact on the social and physical Landscape. In our practice, we not only focus on the design of a finished object or space; but try to work on the landscapes which come with it. From the material origin, historical meaning, statistics, methods of production, to the effect on makers, users, bystanders, and environments… It is envisioning and starting up cultures through the act of creating. As a designer, our discipline is in constant change, affected by time, technology, resources, and economics… by actively taking a role in envisioning future we can take part in designing our own professions.

The aim is that we will work in the field (Basel) on the topic of water. And physically produce a project/product during the workshop which embodies the aspects and role water has in Basel. The workshop has space for autonomous development within the topic. But the focus lies on a conceptual analytical approach.

Visit the Workshop Padlet to see the student projects ➔here